Our dream is to empower vulnerable children and giving them quality educational, healthy food, and confidence in themselves. Since 2004, we have worked with local partners (such as the Botswana Union Conference and the Shisasari community) to build six day care centers in key locations around Botswana, and a high school in Kenya, caring for the physical and emotional needs of many children. These centers and schools exist with a dual purpose: empower children by offering self-esteem and life skills education, and to alleviate their needs by providing a safe environment where these children can receive the love, care, and nutrition needed to flourish. 

Note: Naledi means Star in Setswana, and the organization was previously called the Botswana Orphan Project. Naledi is a 501c3 registered charity in the U.S. with EIN number: 61-2065536


Our approach is to work through local partners. We believe this is important in ensuring social sustainability. These programs are their initiatives, and aligned with local community leaders and social workers. We bring their dreams into reality by building the facilities needed, providing strategic guidance, and financial support needed for operations (e.g. teacher’s salaries and student scholarships).


We've placed an emphasis on education and day care, but the schools are used for so much more! The following are examples of the many programs and training offered at the facilities:

  • Public health seminars 

  • Soup kitchens

  • Sewing classes

  • Computer classes

  • Donating clothing, food and blankets to destitute families in rural areas

  • Self-worth workshops

  • Anti-domestic violence campaigns