BOP value’s sustainability (environmentally, financially and socially) and we believe in doing as much good as possible, with the least amount of harm. We’ve incorporated sustainable techniques at all stages of the centers development.
Environmental Sustainability:
• Soil blocks have been used for construction, an environmentally friendly product. We’ve also trained locals in the manufacture and construction of stabilized soil blocks.
• Off cuts, recycled materials and waste materials have been used in our construction.
• Biolytix waste water systems and sustainable power generation have been designed, but not yet implemented.
Social Sustainability:
We recognize that the long term success of the project is also dependant on social sustainability. We have incorporated social sustainability approaches and are developing initiatives for future action. The following list summarizes our approach so far:
• Respond to a local call for assistance (this has been both government and community)
• Empower local partners and local initiatives
• Liaise with locals in all plans
• International volunteers meet with local chiefs and elders on all trips. This has been done for most trips.
• Local partners review international volunteers applications and approve or reject.
• Local partners are given total ownership of the centers.
• Large welcoming and handover ceremonies are held with local partners and government authorities to officiate the relationship.
• Local builders and building materials are used where possible.
• Local teachers, cooks, cleaners and principals are employed.
• Locals develop curriculum.
• Local social workers and liaised with at every stage of the project.
Financial Sustainability:
A number of initiatives have been implemented to reduce expenses and generate an income:
• While the centers are for vulnerable children, other paying children have been taken in as a daycare arrangement. This helps to generate an income and creates an balanced atmosphere.
• Teachers houses were built, reducing housing expenses.
• Large vegetable gardens and greenhouses have been built, to reduce the expenses of food.